who we are
Friends of Blue Sky Canyon is a 501(c) non-profit organization founded over 30 years ago by an informal citizens’ group.
Our mission is to educate, promote environmental awareness, and preserve and protect the biological and cultural resources at the Reserve for the enjoyment of current and future generations.
We accomplish our mission by funding many educational and interpretive activities throughout the year, through habitat restoration, routine trail maintenance, sponsoring an annual bird count, installing interpretive signage, providing taxidermy and science displays, and contributing to infrastructure improvements.
All our members are volunteers, and we welcome new members. The reserve is owned by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation, and the City of Poway. The Reserve is operated and managed by the City of Poway. We work closely with the city to accomplish our mission.
Board of Directors
President: Annie Ransom
Vice President: Susan Riha Secretary: Cathie Lynn
Treasurer: Carol Simpson
Members at Large: Al Torretto, Eric Brewer
Honorary Lifetime Members
In 2006 Friends of Blue Sky Canyon granted lifetime memberships to the following individuals in recognition of their extraordinary efforts to save the canyon from development, protect it for wildlife, and preserve it for future generations to enjoy:
Jan Goldsmith, Connie Youngkin, Pat Dahl, Alan Torretto, Dan Cannon
Dan Cannon, Annie Ransom, Jan Goldsmith and Al Torretto at the Friends of Blue Sky Canyon 30th Anniversary Event